Home Improvement

Clean Hardwood Floor Properly To Avoid Dull Flooring!


A product manufactured by timber for using as structural or aesthetic flooring is known as a hardwood floor. They come in various styles and colors and bring a warm earthy touch and beauty to a house. If taken proper care of, they are durable and long-lasting. These floors take a lot of dust from daily traffic, spills, mishaps, or scuffs. Cleaning the floor is very important, and the first step in that process is taking smart preventive measures. Use doormat, set up an area for removing boots, especially in rainy and snowy areas, to prevent damaging the floors.

Certain points to keep in mind for maintaining the floor.

  • Use dry cloth instead of wet or steam mops to wipe the spill immediately without damage.
  • Use furniture pads to avoid scratches on the floor.
  • Vacuum at least once a week.
  • Use wood floor cleaner monthly.
  • Refinish the floor every 3-5 years.

How to clean the floors regularly?

Broom or dust mop regularly will keep the flooring clean. They are used to pick up dirt, dust, and hair that might damage the floor surface. Use the microfiber headed mops for a hardwood floor specially designed to trap the grime and dust. Vacuum the floor with the attached floor-brush.

Important things to keep in mind while cleaning the wood floor?

  • Mopping with a bucket of soap water and a string mop- Deep cleaning of the floor is sometimes important despite regular cleaning. Wood floor mod should be used with diluted wood cleaning products according to the instructions.
  • Find the Best Wood Floor Cleaner.- Talk to the flooring manufacturer and use the best floor cleaner. Don’t use tile or vinyl floor cleaners as they may damage the floor rather than cleaning it. Use certified cleaners that so safe or make cleaning solutions at home. The common homemade cleanser is made by adding half a cup of vinegar to a gallon of water that is lukewarm.
  • How to Remove Stains on Hardwood Floors- Remember the flooring finish before trying to remove the stain. The floor with a hard finish can be urethane if the stain is on the surface. If the stain has penetrated, then it is probably soft oiled finished. For such a finish, wipe the surface with a clean and soft cloth.

Removing pet stains and dark spots.

Rub the spot by using No.000 steel wool or floor wax for dark spots.

Prevent dirt and damage by using correct and certified cleaning products for wood flooring to make it look beautiful for years.

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