Artists are consistently seeking ways to make a living from their gift. In this age of online markets, artists need to find a way to get their wares online. Once they are online, they need to be able to make money.
Read on to find out strategies that artists can use to make money from their art online.
Identify the best online platform
As an artist or illustrations creator, there are numerous online platforms to showcase and sell your art on. To successfully make a living from your art, it is important that you choose your online platform properly.
Different platforms have different audiences. Identify the major visitors to your choice platforms and find out if your products relate to them. If they do, you could probably do very well that platform.
Consider all the metrics of your products, your target customers and the art selling platforms they frequent. With this, you will successfully pick the best platform to sell your artwork on.
Create a niche
This means that you need to be identified as a particular type of artist. If you are working on illustrations, seek to build a career and a name in the illustrations niche.
In this way, you will always have customers for the particular type of product that you produce.
By specializing in one niche, you can build yourself into a brand and even start your own online market place. As a brand, it will be easier for you to attract more and more customers.
Go offline
This does not mean that you delete all your online presence. No. It means that you should attend art fairs where you are likely to interact with more of your customers and potential customers.
Many of the online art marketplaces organize art fairs and exhibitions that are well attended by art lovers.
Open social media pages
Social media is a major aspect of online sales. Having a Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest presence that is quite prominent allows you to put up as many images of your art products.
Social media pages allow you to connect to as many people as you like around the world. You can easily showcase your best works and connect directly with your customers.
Social media also allows customers and the public that likes your work to share it with their networks. This helps expose your work to more people and possibly new clients.
Interact with your clients
To succeed in selling your art online, it is important that you interact with your customers. Websites and social media pages allow you to respond to queries made by your customers.
It is important that you respond to all the queries raised as soon and as clearly as you can. Interacting with your clients well is part of customer service and satisfaction. This plays a great part in developing a good reputation for your brand and business.
Differentiate your service offerings
Seek to offer services different from those of your competitors. You can come up with new ways to offer or package your products to stand out from the rest of the art sellers.
Collaborate with other art creators
Where possible, find a way to collaborate with several of your peers. In this way, their customers will get to know about your products and the same for them. This will help expand your pools of potential customers.
Like musicians, collaborations enable you to breakthrough into other platforms and art specialties that you can offer.
Attract attention
In the online space, attention is the most precious commodity. Find ways to attract attention to your art and to your online shop. This attracts more and more people to view and buy your art.
Online marketplaces for art abound in plenty. It is best that you choose one that is suitable for illustrations. Stand out from the competition to attract as much attention to yourself. In this way, you will get your brand name known and attract more customers.