
Tips On Purchasing Your First Home


If you are a first-time homebuyer, you are probably unaware of all the processes you need to take part in when purchasing a home. Although the legal requirements can vary between city, county, and state, there are general steps that every buyer takes to get through the procedure. Here are some tips to help you understand more of what you need to know about purchasing your first home.

1. Hire a Buyer’s Agent

Begin with a real estate agent of your own. The buyer’s agent can help you locate property as it comes on the market, making you the first one to see it. Your agent also knows different areas near you that may fulfill your specific home-ownership needs.

2. Set a Budget

Sometimes when you are looking at houses, your agent may take you to walk-thru a property that is just a few thousand over your budget. Don’t fall for the ploy when he or she says you can put in a lower offer near the top of your budget. Make sure your real estate agent knows what your budget is, even if you have been approved for a higher loan amount.

3. Negotiate Your Offer

Be prepared to negotiate your offer with the seller, but not too much. Sending the negotiations back for minor issues like paying points or identifying who pays for the inspection may work, but haggling over $1,000 increases will often exacerbate the seller. When that happens, someone else will get the house.

4. Get an Inspection

Find a home inspectors Nassau county that you can trust, and pay for the inspection yourself, so you know it will be a completely unbiased report. If you find excessive or serious problems, make sure you request repairs from the seller.

Take the time to protect yourself by following these four steps when purchasing a home. With the help of your real estate agent, you can be sure to find the perfect house.

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