Home Improvement

Pests in Your Home in Vancouver? Here Are Few Tips To Keep Smelly Pests Out of Your Home


You have heard what we are talking about. The mere smell of some insects has the power to frighten. They are getting revenge for all the other innocent insects that you have, whether deliberately or unintentionally, crushed during your life. Their powerful odor serves as a deterrent to potential predators due to the chemical substances found in them. Just a simple search of pest control near me can land you to the best pest control services. 

In this blog, we are going to take a look at some of the effective ways to keep smelly pests away from home. Remember, these are just temporary solutions. We highly recommend speaking with a professional for a permanent solution. Until then, have a look at these DIY solutions below!

How to eliminate stick bugs from your home?

In general, stinky bugs like warm climates and will try to enter your home when the outside temperature falls below a particular level. Unfortunately, these are typical bug-like living things that are probably too easy to recognize at first look. In spite of attempting to take advantage of your warmth indoors, these pests are drawn to light sources like CFLs and tube lights. 

Furthermore, they are primarily nocturnal and highly active at night. To prevent stink bugs from invading your home at night during the winter, you need to lock up your windows and doors as soon as possible. 

How do you keep smelly bugs out of your house?

stick bugs

Many precautions could be taken to keep these insects outside of your house. Buying a light-based flying bug catcher—available from pest control companies—is the first step that is advised. Since they are drawn to light and will come to the glue board automatically, you can get rid of a lot of them. Furthermore, you can use a variety of insect-repellent therapies, such as powders made of earth that are specifically meant to repel stink bugs. 

To prevent insects from seeking out a warm and cozy spot underneath the electrical attachments, consider applying powder repellent to the interior of the lights. To stop bugs from flying into your home, you may also install screens over your doors and windows. Lastly, to keep stinking bugs and other bugs out of your home, you may hire pest control services to apply insect repellent lining to your windows and doors.

Seek Professional Help

If stinky bugs gather in enough numbers, they can become a severe nuisance. Keep your windows and doors closed, clean, and screened to keep insects out in order to avoid that from happening. Take extra precautions during winter. Since these insects breed and spread quickly, if you find yourself in an infestation, be sure to get in touch with pest control and plan for a thorough pest removal as soon as possible.

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