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Four Common Tree Diseases in Sydney Suburbs


Sydney, the capital city of New South Wales, Australia, has a subtropical climate and four different seasons. Sydney can have a very dry and humid season which is why the city’s urban planning has included the planting of trees along suburban streets to create a much cooler climate. Suburban trees are very much protected in Australia and residents cannot dispose of dead trees from their yards without getting proper permission from the Sydney City Council. Once permission is granted, only professionals who offer services like tree removal in Sydney are allowed to remove diseased or dead trees. 

People may grow up in a neighbourhood and see that the tree that they saw growing up is still there as they become adults. Because of this, people tend to forget that trees are vulnerable to diseases as well. Different diseases can affect the health of a tree that can deteriorate their appearance or are contagious to other trees within the area. Here are the most common diseases and pests that can harm suburban trees: 

  • ·Emerald Ash Borers

Ash trees that are common in Sydney suburbs are susceptible to the attacks of emerald ash borers. Emerald Ash Borers are insects belonging to the beetle family that can damage your tree by boring into the tree bark. These borers will dig a web of tunnels within the bark and even the main trunk of the tree. An indication that a tree is infected with emerald ash borers is if its leaves turn yellow before the autumn season begins. Although there are chemical compounds that can prevent the infection of ash borers, these compounds are not one hundred per cent reliable. The best solution for a tree with emerald ash borers is for the immediate removal and disposal of the tree to stop the spread.  

  • Cypress Canker

Cypress canker is a fungal disease that affects trees belonging to the Cupressus species or Cyprus trees. Infected trees will develop die-back twigs and branches which will appear deep red colours. Parts of the trees that are infected will die rapidly. If this disease is not caught early, the affected tree will not be salvageable. When a case of cypress canker is encountered in your yard, you have to remove the affected tree. However, if you plan to replace the tree, do not replace it with another cypress tree since the infection may still be present. 

  • Oak Wilt

Oak Wilt is also a fungal disease that is spread by several species of beetles. Oak wilt is a fast-acting disease which can cause a large tree to die in less than a season. Oak Wilt is also a very contagious disease and can spread from one oak tree to another through the root system. Oaks that are infected with this fungal disease will have rust-coloured and wilting leaves even during summer months. Fortunately, oak wilt can easily be controlled by separating the infected tree’s root systems from reaching the roots of other oak trees. 

  • Anthracnose

Another fungal infection that infects suburban trees is anthracnose that causes significant defoliation in trees. Fortunately, once you have spotted anthracnose, you can control the spread by cutting and burning the infected portion of the tree.

In case you have a tree in your yard, you have to take care of it and keep it fresh and healthy. If you notice that your tree’s foliage does not emit their natural colour, call a professional tree doctor or arborist near you. If you feel that the tree is already beyond salvaging, then you should get permission for tree removal in Sydney so that the infection will not spread to other trees.

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