While restaurants and cafes in food & beverage industry try to compete with eachother using food choices, promo codes, prices, and location, very little get succeeded in terms of theinterior design. Many restaurant owners fail to understand that interior design impacts consumer psychology, prompting them to order more food, while staying in the restaurant for a longer time.
Interior design is an influential visual example of your brand’s style and look. You should create a space that offers right ambiance for your customers.Below are some restaurant themed designs that can influence on your clients’ experience.
Design and architecture
The design and architecture are the vital elements of restaurant interior layouts. The way it has been designed inside and out plays an important role in defining the whole look and feel. While planning the layout, you need to consider how spacious the restaurant will be and how comfortable it will be to move around during peak and non-peak hours. Having too many dining table closely arranged cannot make your guests feel comfortable. You can also have a reservation desk or service station, only if your layout permits.
Seating capacity
The interior design should strike a balance between the number of seats and creation of welcoming environment your restaurant offers. You need to have enough seating capacity to make them feel comfortable and at ease. In case of any special occasions, such as Christmas Eve or New Year party you can try to have more small tables placed closed so that all family members can be accommodated in a single row. Moreover, there should be access for the disabled that you can check with your state regulations and local laws before planning any layout.
Lighting strategy
What kind of environment your restaurant should offer – cosy, relaxed, active, or bright? Select a lighting strategy that complements the mood. For example, dim light can offer relaxing feel, while bright light can be stimulating. A subdued lighting with candle light or individual lamp setting can set the right mood.
Ventilation and heating
Do take note that poor air conditioning and ventilation may affect your sales margin. Though these are expensive pieces of equipment, it’s essential to have them in the restaurant as they canmake customers dine in a comfortable ambience.
Lipari interior designeris one of the leading professionals in the interior design for hotels, restaurants, commercial and residential buildings, offering creative, efficient, and personalised service.