Back in 1929, a young talented German Designer, L. Mies van der Rohe, released in Barcelona, Spain, a piece of furniture that would become one of the most iconic objects in the history of Design: The Barcelona Chair.
The event was the International Exposition of Barcelona and L. Mies van der Rohe was in charge of the whole German Pavilion.
Knowing that the opening gala would include the presence of the royal couple of Spain, van der Rohe thought that it would be a splendid idea to set a sitting area into the Pavilion where the Royal couple could sit: a direct reference to a throne.
With this in mind, van de Rohe searched for inspiration and ways to avoid being common. He went back to Ancient History, mainly to the Roman Empire and Ancient Egypt. He was attracted by the majestic but simple military folding tents that Roman generals and Senators used when they were in campaign.
Van de Rohe had the vision to combine timeless concepts with an experimental approach in materials and manufacturing techniques. The result was a splendid, elegant and comfortable piece: The Barcelona Chair.
With an easily recognizable “X” frame, made today with chrome stainless steel, and a comfortable set of 72 cushions covered by black upholstery, the Barcelona Chair quickly became a symbol of status and comfort, but with a new concept and vision. Modernism was arriving in the world of Design.
“Less is more”
A simple but powerful statement made by van der Rohe became widely popular. Even when it is considered a symbol of elegance and good Design, the Barcelona Chair carries the main characteristics of Mid-Century Modern furniture:
Function over Design
Experimental use of industrial materials
Organic, sleek lines
The Barcelona Collection
All the principles of the Barcelona Chair are present in the whole collection. The Barcelona Chair extends its patterns and lines to the Barcelona Loveseat (Two seats) and the Barcelona Sofa (Three seats). This uniformity of Design allows you to play with the different possibilities of space and the particular needs of the user.
The Bench
Another key element of the Barcelona Collection is the Barcelona Bench. With van der Rohe, the bench evolves from a versatile, somehow simple piece, to a much more elegant and sophisticated relaxing spot, that can be used as a central element of your living room. The bench is covered with black leather, containing a comfortable pattern of cushions upon a strong ash wood platform. A closer look at this piece takes us to the pharaonic halls of ancient Egypt.
The Barcelona Bench is integrated with three models. The Barcelona Bench 2-seater; the Barcelona Bench 3-Seater; and the Daybed with its characteristic rolled cushion.
A growing popularity and one solution
Passing through different manufacturers in Europe and America due to van der Rohe leaving Germany, the popularity of the Barcelona Chair and Mid Century Modern design grew. By the 2000s the phenomena was so big that it created a consolidated market of replicas.
The replicas market became an answer to a growing desire for high-quality designed furniture at affordable prices. Barcelona Designs is one of the best alternatives in quality and fidelity to the original idea, while providing thoughtful customer service.
While time passes, the consolidated popularity of the Barcelona Collection confirms that a good design always will find its space and time to grow.